
Bechtle AG: Sustainability Strategy 2030

Strategic aims set, plan of action in place
9. November 2021 By Dr. Katrin Meyer

The Challenge

Sustainability is nothing new at Bechtle AG. It has been systematically engaged in it since 2011, and the MDAX-listed company with 12,000 employees has published a sustainability report since 2016. But the IT group is now taking its sustainability work to the next level. As part of a months-long project, we helped Bechtle develop a comprehensive Sustainability Strategy and an exhaustive program of activities.

This Sustainability Strategy 2030 builds on what is already there and offers new opportunities for the evolution of sustainability. In recent years, one of the focuses of sustainability management has been on developing annual reporting. Aside from that, the group’s various departments have been conducting different sustainability activities, mostly locally. But now they aim to capitalize on the full potential of a strategic sustainability management system. The first thing they had to do was to set up clear, overarching structures across what is a largely decentralized corporate entity. They also had to develop strategic aims extending until 2030, and a plan of action describing how to achieve them. They also had to improve the way KPIs are gathered across the group in order to provide a good basis for achieving those aims.

Where Stakeholder Reporting Comes In

Stakeholder Reporting was given the job of assisting Bechtle AG in developing a new Sustainability Strategy. One of the focuses was general organizational development. We helped them to adapt existing governance structures so that they can manage sustainability processes, and to set up new ones. For instance, we produced an organizational chart depicting improved, centralized sustainability management and an accompanying set of recommendations for management.

In order to develop an effective plan of action, we worked with the client to perform detailed preliminary analyses (in areas such as the existing situation, surrounding circumstances, and benchmarks) so as to identify relevant themes. We then used these analyses to draw up four strategic areas of action – Ethical Business, Environment, People, Digital Future – which would form the basis for the new Sustainability Strategy. We also organized and ran workshops involving management to specify and delineate the areas of action. The strategy was also fleshed out in a series of theme-based seminars. The four strategic areas of action encompass ecological, economic, and social aspects, and relate directly to Bechtle’s business activities and the sustainability factors relevant to the IT company. On these foundations, Bechtle AG, together with Stakeholder Reporting, developed a plan of action and its strategic aims for 2030.

You will find more details of Bechtle AG’s Sustainability Strategy 2030 here (download).

The Solution

  • Governance structures for managing sustainability issues in Bechtle AG were built up and optimized.
  • A new executive department was created directly beneath management to form a central interface for sustainability activities in the Bechtle Group.
  • Participation as a key factor: workshops involving the various management levels and regions ensured that all of the relevant entities and departments were included in developing the new strategy from the outset.
  • End result: a central Sustainability Strategy was successfully drawn up for a decentralized company. A comprehensive sustainability program was also developed containing aims and KPIs for the various areas and selected locations. This process is ongoing and Bechtle will continue to drive it internally.

Transformation Potential

  • Well-grounded analyses form the foundation for ameliorating risks specific to the company and making successful use of new opportunities.
  • Identifying four defined areas of action specific to the company: Ethical Business, Environment, People, and Digital Future. These strategic areas form a basis on which to strengthen sustainability as an internal transformation factor in the company.


Text: David Helbig and Dr. Katrin Meyer
Image: Bechtle AG