Reporting & Kommunikation

Deutsche Telekom’s 2015 online CR Report

Award-winning CR reporting

The challenge

Deutsche Telekom is regarded as a pioneer in sustainability reporting in terms of transparency and credibility. It wanted its 2015 CR Report to expand this pioneering role by utilizing the possibilities of online reporting—from storytelling to interactive dialogue—to meet the information needs of different stakeholder groups. Deutsche Telekom also wanted to the report to reflect its emphasis on credible dispute resolution.

Our role

We’re Deutsche Telekom’s long-standing partner in sustainability reporting and have prepared its annual CR reports since 2007. We’ve put in place a software-supported process to coordinate the involvement of the company’s various departments, subsidiaries, and country headquarters. We start annual CR reporting by conducting a comprehensive materiality process based on feedback that stakeholders provide in an online survey. We’re also responsible for the report’s content and design and for coordinating all the service providers involved in producing the report. In addition, we provide support in developing CR performance metrics and answering ethical investment questions. We prepared Deutsche Telekom’s 2016 CR Report 2016 as well (

Our solution

  • deliver an exemplary online report that combines easy-to-understand storytelling with solid CR reporting in accordance with international reporting standards
  • make the report easy to navigate and also provide interactive elements, extensive background information, and dialogue opportunities
  • ensure a high degree of credibility through a user-friendly structure and comprehensible presentation
  • Deutsche Telekom won the Platinum Econ Award for online reporting for two consecutive years (2013 and 2014). The Econ jury said: “If you want to know what perfect reporting looks like, take a look at this CR report.”

Transformational potential

  • set new standards in online sustainability reporting
  • use dialogue opportunities tailored to the needs of specific stakeholders to engage them and obtain their feedback on sustainability issues.